okay tons going on around here lately.
1. phill has got a new job. working on the atm's was really stressful for many different reasons so we got a new job. he is now the guest servicies manager at the lethbridge lodge. it is a really nice hotel in town. he will be in charge of the front desk area and anything that has to do with makeing the guests happy. it pays better and he won't have to be on call anymore. which is a good thing.
2. i was put in as the 2nd counselor of the young womens in our ward. super excited about this but a little scared at the same time. i haven't been in young womens since i was in high school and a lot has changed since then. did you know that they added a line to the theme. well i didn't and i was thrown for a loop on sunday when we recited it. kay will be in there after the first of the year and that is exciting also, but i look at the girls in there and i think that my little girl is just not old enough to be in there yet.
3. christmas shopping we are actually getting it done early. i only have a few more presents to buy and we are planning on doing that today. and i have them wrapped and under the tree. i think this will be the last year for santa. the kids are just getting to old now but jeh still has a little glimmer that he is out there so we needed to do it this year again.
4. we had a very wonderful surprise on thursday night. we were pixed by some family. the door knocked and of course the dogs went nuts so when we got to the door no one was there but a box of goodies. lots of candy, a gingerbread house to make, some oranges, a gift certificate to tony roma's for $60, and three $50 gift certificates for walmart. it was really nice and made us all feel really good.
anyway that is about all that is happening around here now. love ya all
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
christmas tree
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
happy thanksgiving
happy thanksgiving to all of my american friends and family.
i'm feeling a little bummed about not being able to be with family this holiday. we are going to try to have a dinner up here maybe i will invite some friends over and it will be nice. but i'm not buying a turkey now they are way too spendy. it was like 50 bucks just for one and it wasn't even that big of a turkey. they just aren't on sale this time of year up here i should have bought one in october and kept it in the freezer. oh well i quess that i will know for next year. the kids have the day after off of school but i think that we will just have an evening dinner i don't think that i have ever had a thanksgiving day dinner past 2:00pm it makes it seem more like a fancy dinner but you can't have one of those with kids running around. i have got a ton of christmas projects done and i'm hoping to have the rest finished by the first of december so that we can decorate the house. i already started to put up some things. the camera is dead right now but as soon as i can get it charged up today i'll try to remember to take pictures of my favorite christmas decoration that i made this year. more later
i'm feeling a little bummed about not being able to be with family this holiday. we are going to try to have a dinner up here maybe i will invite some friends over and it will be nice. but i'm not buying a turkey now they are way too spendy. it was like 50 bucks just for one and it wasn't even that big of a turkey. they just aren't on sale this time of year up here i should have bought one in october and kept it in the freezer. oh well i quess that i will know for next year. the kids have the day after off of school but i think that we will just have an evening dinner i don't think that i have ever had a thanksgiving day dinner past 2:00pm it makes it seem more like a fancy dinner but you can't have one of those with kids running around. i have got a ton of christmas projects done and i'm hoping to have the rest finished by the first of december so that we can decorate the house. i already started to put up some things. the camera is dead right now but as soon as i can get it charged up today i'll try to remember to take pictures of my favorite christmas decoration that i made this year. more later
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
just checking in
we finally got snow this weekend but it isn't staying around for long and we didn't get a whole bunch of it. it is really funny because this year we are actually looking forward to the snow. we got the yard all cleaned on saturday just in time for the snow. we made through halloween with some nice weather and now we are ready for the snow so it can start to feel wintery and more like christmas. although i've never really grown up with snow for christmas. it much be all of the movies and tv shows that show that snow and christmas go together. i noticed yesterday in the store that they are already playing christmas music while you shop. now i love christmas music but it does seem a little bit early. then again maybe not we do have less than 60 days for christmas. need to get all of my christmas stuff done better start working faster and stop playing on the computer so much. so if i am even worse at blogging than i already am don't worry i haven't disappeared just busy with the christmas stuff. i try though to update as often as i can remember.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
halloween costumes
Hy was a character from an anime show that he watches. i think that his name miruko or something like that.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
christmas stuff
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
waterpark fun
Monday, October 22, 2007
new addition

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
halloween fun!

i don't know why but halloween is my favorite time for decorating so i went to the library and checked out some books on decorations. in one of the books they had these witches that were really cute but they made them out of styrofoam cones and i have no way to get to a store to get me some i decided to make them out of material. this is my first one and my trial one.
she needs work on the face as im not really very good with the whole facial feature thing. but i think that she is really cute.
Friday, September 14, 2007
crazy sports parents?
well last night was jeh's first football game. and it wasn't very good. the teams tied and everyone played well except for jeh. every time the poor kid went out on the field the coach turned him around and sent him back to the side line. the poor thing only got to play for a total of 20 seconds the whole game. well phill and i were fuming he came over to us twice crying and saying that he didn't want to play because they weren't putting him in. finally phill got up and went out on the field and yelled at one of the coaches. well not really yelling mean but he did let him know that we weren't happy about what was happening on the field. part of the problem was that jeh regular coach wasn't there he had a family emergency at the last minute and jeh is really shy around people he doesn't know so he wouldn't stick up for himself with the coach. so does phill going out there to make a stink make us those crazy sports parents that everyone hates or just a concerned parent? i am hoping for the later one. we did get a few pics of him practicing last night before the game but the camera got left in the van and phill took it to work this morning. so pics will have to come later.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
the corpse bride and waking up

so maybe we just won't worry about the leg it will be under a dress most of the time anyway. it should be fun making it now if i can only get the boys to decide on something soon.
we are getting rain today and lots of it. i've been so used to the light coming in the bedroom in the morning that when the alarm didn't go off (because someone turned down the volume) we way over slept so it was a crazy rushed morning. i hate those!! it just means that everyone will come home grumpy because they were forced to wake up quickly and get moving. there was no time for slowness this moring. it really hard when no one in your family is a morning person. we all need to take our time in the morning and relax so that we can wake up. so there will be hovey zombies walking around today.
Monday, September 10, 2007
life is crazy!!!!
i was filling out the calendar with all of the things that we need to do in the coming days and let me tell you my calender is completely full. everyday has something to do for the months of sept and oct so far it is way to crazy. trying to get a new car in all of this as phill drives the van to work and im stuck without a car.. which is just annoying! went in and talked about becoming a foster parent and there are about a trillion forms to fill out and classes that you have to take that only adds to the craziness of life so im not sure if we are going to do it just yet i think that i may just find a part time job or something like that. a little extra money won't hurt any.
while in the midst of all the stuff there is to do i did make a really cute baby quilt for phill's cousin's baby she is going to be blessed on sunday so i made her a blanket. i still need to finish the binding but i think that i want to find some bright pink ribbon to finish it off.
kay starts dance today she is doing ballet and jazz, jeh's still doing football his first game is on thursday if they get all of the equipment in on time we are hoping, and hy is doing volleyball and his first games are next week. and you still have to fit in young men's and scouts and achievement days. way to much to do but i will still fit in a cute blanket or something now and then. you know with all that there is to do now i should start to have a lot more to write about. oh yeah i need help kay wants to be the corpse bride but im not sure how to make it look like one of her arms and leg are bones any suggestions would be helpful. thanks!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
starting the process
well i have contacted the child services up here today and i have an appointment tomorrow to meet with someone and see about getting foster care up and going. i was kind of dragging my feet on doing it thinking that it will take too much of my time and i won't have the freedom that i am now getting used to. but it is that nagging feeling that i have had for quite awhile now and i guess that maybe it is something that the lord wants me to do. i love kids so this should be something that i'm good at and can do well. at least i hope so. i'm thinking that i will only do those who are younger than my own children. i was thinking maybe 5 and younger but we will have to see how things go. my sister in law says that this is the best way to do it then you don't have the influence of the older ones on your children, but she says that even some of the younger ones can have some really scary problems. i would just like to help make a difference in the life of a child that really needs help. i think that my own children are more excited about doing foster care than i am. they are really helpful when ever we help watch karens foster kids but maybe it is because it is something that is new to them and it will probably ware off and they won't be as helpful or excited once we do it full time. anyway just thought that i would let you all know a little more about what is going on here.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
look at what i can do...
when there is no one at home but me. it is quite and i can actually get the house clean in an hours time and it will stay that way all day, which gives me time to do what i love to do. here is a page i made with pictures of kayla. she is growing up so fast it is hard to believe. i don't think that you can tell in these pictures but she got her ears pierced this year before school started and is hoping to get contacts at the end of the month. there will definitely be a page about the ear piercing although i forgot to take my camera to get pics while it was happening.

Thursday, August 30, 2007
alone at last!!
Well after a year of having phill home most of the time and with summer and the kids being home all day i really haven't had any just me time, until today. YEAH!!!!!
no one is home it is quite and peaceful and i can get everything done and still have time to play or whatever i want to do today. i do love them all but it has been a long time since it was just me in the house. it will be nice the only drawback is the fact that there are three dogs in the house still. anyone want one? maybe i'll get some fun things done today and post them later. i'll try.
no one is home it is quite and peaceful and i can get everything done and still have time to play or whatever i want to do today. i do love them all but it has been a long time since it was just me in the house. it will be nice the only drawback is the fact that there are three dogs in the house still. anyone want one? maybe i'll get some fun things done today and post them later. i'll try.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
back to school!
something fun
here is a new quilt that i am making for kay's room. i saw the idea on another blog that i read. check it out here tp://blingonmysewingmachine.blogspot.com/2007/08/shop-update.htmlthe white part of the quilt is actually towels. i think the original used chenille but i was looking for a little cheaper something. i already had all of the material for the blocks. now all i need to do is put a backing on it and quilt it. i'm going to use different colored thread for the quilting and i'm going to do stripes. when it is all finished i'll post a picture to show everyone how it looks.
here is our kitten marilyn in the washing machine i went to do some laundry and this is what i found. good thing i always look inside before i start. i usually close the lid between washing but i must have forgot this time.
and the most important thing of all today: it is the kids last day before school.. yeah!!!! school start tomorrow.YEAH! YIPPIE! YOO HOO!!!!!!!! i'm not at all in the least bit excited can you tell.
Monday, August 27, 2007
only two more days!!!!!!
that is all the time we have left until school starts. I'm not entirely sure who is more excited the or me. they are really anxious to start the new year. today will be the boys first football practice and their first games will be next weekend i think. we also got kay signed up for dance classes. she has decided to take jazz so she also has to take ballet. she is excited. i guess that the two go hand in hand. so who knows maybe we will she her on so you think you can dance or maybe i can get me a foot ball player and will be set for life. it's time they start thinking about supporting me, right.
well thought that i would share a picture of my first little watermelon growing. hopefully it will get big enough before the frosts come and kill it or the deer decide to come and eat it. I'm hating the deer with a passion. i know i once posted that i thought they were nice but i have so changed my attitude on that thought.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
i'm still here
i really haven't been on here very much lately but i'm still alive and kicking. not much going on these last few weeks. we have one week untill school starts. i can't wait i'm so ready for them to be in school. phill and i did celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary yesterday. so to commerate the day i made a page. it is a two page layout it is the first time i have done a page like this. i saw it on the scrapjacked website but didn't get this done until now.

i used love, elsie-rub ons and stickers, provo craft paper, cardstock i had on hand and some ribbon but i don't remember who made it.

i used love, elsie-rub ons and stickers, provo craft paper, cardstock i had on hand and some ribbon but i don't remember who made it.

Thursday, August 2, 2007
party time!
here is the food table and some of the decorations the hieroglyphs say happy birthday joseph.
everyone that was there. i was lucky to get this one that turned out they wouldn't sit still for anything.
they made their goodie bags when they first got there.
here is lunch. we had mummy dogs and chips. oh and you can't forget the pop too. lots of burping going on.
i think that fun was had by all it was a good day and he got some good gifts too.
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