Thursday, January 31, 2008

President Hinckley

I know that i didn't post about this very quickly but i was having a hard time with his passing. i have had the feeling lately that this time was coming and i am very, very saddened by his passing, but it is comforting to know that he is now with his sweet wife.
pres hinckley has always been a great example of one who has charity (the pure love of christ) i think that is radiated in his personality and it was always easy to detect when ever he spoke. when ever he would smile i think that it was very infectious. he represents the type of life that i would like to have the sure knowledge of life and our heavenly faters plan for each of us. he always reminded me that i am a child of god and through him i have always felt the lords love for us all.
i know without a doubt that gordon b hinckley was a prophet of god. that he was the lords spokesman on the earth. i am thankful for all that he taught. one of my best memories was when he came to a regional conference in eugene or and phill and i got to go and hear him speak. it was the first time i heard him speak of the 6 b's it was after this talk that they really became popular. i know he gave them in other talks later and maybe before. but i actually got to see and hear him in person. the spirit in the room was amazing and i will always remember it.

i love these picture of president hinckley and his wife. they were both always so happy and i know that it was and is because of their faith and love for each other. i hope that we will all be able to have the faith of president hickley and be able to love each other the way they did. what wonderful examples these two people have been in my life. they will be missed.
here is a quote by president hinckley that i really like:
“May the sunlight of faith ever warm your hearts. May you grow in strength and capacity as the years pass. May your outreach to others be as that of the good Samaritan. May the service which you render be fruitful for good in the lives of others. May prayer be a part of your daily activity. May reading enhance your knowledge and increase your understanding. May you be true and faithful one to another, and may the years bring to you that peace which passeth all understanding, the peace which comes of following the precepts of the Master” (devotional, BYU alumni, 12 Sept. 2000).
as i read this i can hear his voice and feel of this love. he truly wanted us all to follow the savior so that we can return to our father in heaven. thank you for your example to us all you are loved and will be greatly missed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

sooooooooooo cold!!!!!!

it has been crazy cold up here lately. just about all of our windows have frosted over. i think the temp this morning was like -25c and that is without the wind chill and i don't think that there is much insulation in our walls. you can feel the cold coming right through them.

phill came home last night from work and he couldn't get warm so it totally cover himself with blankets and fell asleep watching tv. the blanket on the top actually has a whole right in the middle of it. so he was wearing it like a poncho and he is wearing hy's touque (which is french for hat) it totally cracked me up watching him all bundled and sleeping. i personally didn't think that it was as cold as he said that it was. he will probably kill me when he
sees these pictures but i had to share because they were too cute.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


today was a really nice day so kay, jeh and i decided to go sledding. here are a few pictures.

kay almost running into me.

jeh going down the hill.
here is me kicking up a ton of snow. i think that i totally wiped out right after this picture was taken.
kay's seriously bad wreck.

owwww! that one really hurt.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

ski trip (picture heavy)

well here is where i got to spend my day yesterday and it was a really great day. it was so beautiful and peacefull up there. i got to see real trees too which was worth the whole trip. the wind was really blowing up there and you can kindof see the snow blowing off the ridge of the mountain in this picture.
we discovered that it was really hard to walk in skis. i think that is what the poles are really for.

hyrum learning to ski. he did really well once he got the hang of it, but before that he was on the ground a lot.

here is the chair lift that we went up all day because hy missed the testing and couldn't go on any other lift, but it was okay because he really needed most of the day just to get a hang of going downhill next time he will do better and can go down the bigger hills. this is hy's friend ethan.

boy we were tired by the end of the day i think that we spent much of it on the hill but it was a ton of fun. i think that we need to get the rest of the family up there now.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a very sad day

i got a call from my husband that i needed to go and check yahoo! because some really bad news was on there. and this is it.

heath ledger has died at age 28. i love him. i'm seriously depressed about this. now i'm in search of another freebie. he is the best eye candy out there and now he is gone. this is indeed a very sad day.

my fav movie of his was or should i say is a knight's tale. it is such a happy movie. i love the movies where the main character is trying to better their standing in society. and that is excatly what this movie was all about.

i think that heath changed his stars, but not for the good. it just goes to show you how a life in hollywood is not all that is looks to be.

i think that this picture is from brokeback mountain , but we won't hold that against him now.

these two pictures are from a knights tale. the dance scene is my favorite.

so much snow!!!!!

we got hit with s ome pretty ucky weather this weekend and now there is snow everywhere and it is so cold. it was -33 with the wind chill yesterday. way to cold, but joe convinced me to go sledding with him after school yesterday. which wasn't so bad because i was in town earlier in the day and stopped by salvation army and got some really nice snow boots for a dollar and a pair of snowpants for only 4 dollars. they will come in handy when i go and chaperone the ski trip tomorrow for hy's class. i'm a little nervous the last time that i went skiing was when i was at ricks (byu-idaho) that was a really long time ago.

had to take hy in for new glasses yesterday because on the way home from school these kids pounded on hy and broke his glasses it was a huge stupid thing and i'm just really ticked off about it. i would like to go over to the house and have the kid pay for his glasses but it is a family that has just moved into town and i'm trying to get the sister to come to young womens and i don't want to seem like a nasty person. hy did do something stupid but he did not deserve to be beat on like that. boys i think have no brains, actually we discussed this in sunday school and the teacher said that he had read a study and teenagers don't have their full brains yet. they won't grow their frontal lobe completely until they are 17 years old and that is the part where you do all of your reasoning so i guess that they really don't have any brains yet.

Friday, January 18, 2008


it was like one of those scary shows where they peel off their skin. it was funny watching all of them peeling. but they all ended up with really soft skin afterwards

what the heck was i thinking?

here are the first pictures of the party. right now they are doing face masks more pictures to come later.

opening presents with her teeth. crazy girls.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

cool mom

kay told us last night that all of her friends were talking at school and they thought that it was funny that their moms liked some of the same songs that they listen to. i guess that kay spoke up and said that her mom, me, listens to the same radio station that they listen and they said to her that i didn't count because i was cool. phill thought that this was hilarious and said that he was definitely going to have to have a talk with all these girls and set them straight. it is nice to know that other kids think so but i think that my own think that i'm just a big dork!

Monday, January 14, 2008

OMG....i has been a month

i can't believe that it has been a month now since my last post. life has just been busy and i haven't taken the time to sit down and write on my blog. tons of things have happened in the past month i guess that i will try and update on some of them.

1. this sweet baby girl turned 12 on me. where did the time go. she is now in young womens and is so happy to be there. i have a friend who just had a baby girl and i was holding her on kay's birthday and feeling very sad that my baby girl is growing up. i guess this just means new experiances but i think i miss the sweet little girl.
2. phill is enjoying the new job. he went for training this last week and was even more excited about word when he got back.
3. kids have been back to school for a week now. i'm so happy. now i don't have to listen to "mom, i'm bored" all day. they have friends so i don't see why they just don't go and play. it's not like i never let them leave the house or anything. and it has been really nice up here this last week or so. it makes me think that spring will be here soon and i know in my head that winter is not over and that we will be getting more snow but i look out the window and it makes me think that spring is here.
4. i made a really cute blanket and soft blocks for my friend's new baby but i forgot to get pictures of them so that i could post and share but everyone there said that they where really cute and they couldn't believe that i had made them they were really super easy. the quilt was similar to the one that i made for kay earlier. and the blocks i found on the internet here i use pinks and greens and some of the material had ladybugs on them they were really cute now i'm kicking myself for not getting a picture.
5. planning kay's birthday party. she is having a sleepover party. for her invites we make little pillow cases from material and them we sewed two pieces of cardstock together with stuffing in the middle so that they looked like pillows and put all of the information on there. slid them into the little pillow cases and that is the invite. really easy and kay did most of the sewing on them. she is getting in to sewing alot lately. she is always raiding the material in my room and making barbie clothes. back to the planning, not to sure exactly what we are going to do but i do know that she had invited 12 girls over. what am i thinking? all the boys have opted to leave for the night so it will just be me here with them all night. fun, huh?
6. thought that maybe i would share a couple of new sites that i found that have been inpiring lately. here is the first one love her pictures. i really need to start working on my photography more i think. and here is the other one i love her pictures too and i love the lettering projects too. i thought that both of these sites have some great eye candy and since i'm not eating any more candy i need to get it from somewhere right?
7. we have decided to go on this clean eating diet. we make everything now and are only eating whole foods. we will eat lean meat, like chicken and fish, lots of tofu, and veggies. it means that i need to go shopping a lot more now because we need the fresh stuff and you can't stock up for a month on that. and we need to plan a head more so that we don't waste a lot of food. it has been really hard at first but i'm hoping that as we get into it that it will get easier. we are only doing it for a year but you never know we made decide that we like it and keep it up. that won't be such a bad thing i guess. here is the book that we are going from it really is interesting and the food had been really good so far. the kids don't seem to mind it even except for jeh but it is hard to get him to eat anything anyways.
i think that is pretty much all that is happening around here right now. one of my goals for the year is to stay more on top of writing on here. well i haven't been doing so well so far but i'm hoping to do better from here on out.