pres hinckley has always been a great example of one who has charity (the pure love of christ) i think that is radiated in his personality and it was always easy to detect when ever he spoke. when ever he would smile i think that it was very infectious.
he represents the type of life that i would like to have the sure knowledge of life and our heavenly faters plan for each of us. he always reminded me that i am a child of god and through him i have always felt the lords love for us all.

i know without a doubt that gordon b hinckley was a prophet of god. that he was the lords spokesman on the earth. i am thankful for all that he taught. one of my best memories was when he came to a regional conference in eugene or and phill and i got to go and hear him speak. it was the first time i heard him speak of the 6 b's it was after this talk that they really became popular. i know he gave them in other talks later and maybe before. but i actually got to see and hear him in person. the spirit in the room was amazing and i will always remember it.
i love these picture of president hinckley and his wife. they were both always so happy and i know that it was and is because of their faith and love for each other. i hope that we will all be able to have the faith of president hickley and be able to love each other the way they did. what wonderful examples these two people have been in my life. they will be missed.

here is a quote by president hinckley that i really like:
“May the sunlight of faith ever warm your hearts. May you grow in strength and capacity as the years pass. May your outreach to others be as that of the good Samaritan. May the service which you render be fruitful for good in the lives of others. May prayer be a part of your daily activity. May reading enhance your knowledge and increase your understanding. May you be true and faithful one to another, and may the years bring to you that peace which passeth all understanding, the peace which comes of following the precepts of the Master” (devotional, BYU alumni, 12 Sept. 2000).
as i read this i can hear his voice and feel of this love. he truly wanted us all to follow the savior so that we can return to our father in heaven. thank you for your example to us all you are loved and will be greatly missed.