this guy is really cool. it is amazing what you can do with a ukulele
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
bouncing fun
well we finally got a trampoline for the kids. we got it all set up today and the kids were having a blast. it is great that they are outside alot more now. i so love the warm weather. i just want to be outside all the time and never come back in the house and because of this my house really looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a week and it really has only been one day. that is what having three kids will do. they never pick up after the make a mess and asking them to do the dishes is like pulling teeth. although i can understand that one i hate the dishes too. here is one thing that i don't understand when it comes to kids is why is the bath tub a death sentence. you ask them to go and take a bath and you get a response such as this one i got from jeh the other day: i just took a bath two weeks ago. exactly why he needs one it really could have been two weeks ago. I'm always losing track of when everyone has bathed. I'm hoping that they will start taking an interest in being clean soon. they can get pretty stinky if you don't stay on top of them. but why is it torture i love the bath. i think that i could live in there all day as long as i had a constant supply of hot water. now i think I'm going to go sit in the tub with all this tub talk.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
worms and boys!

do i really need to say more? they are both gross, well maybe the boys are grosser considering mine just ate some tonight. yes you read it right they ate them. they dug them up came in the house and washed them then they fried them and ATE them. they are so gross. they really like the book how to eat fried worms. well so do i but i'm not about to eat them just because of a book it was fiction after all. but i guess that is boys for you you never know what they are going to eat.
not very regular
im really having a hard time keeping up on the blogging. it also has to do with the amount of time i can sneak onto the computer. it usually has to be pretty early in the morning to get on. not much is happening around here. we got some chickens yesterday and that was a big excitement. especially for the dog. we are really going to need to keep an eye on him. he just wants to eat them. we got them from one of the huderite colonies that are close by so they aren't use to roaming around free. so they seem a little bit lost right now hopefully they will figure it out pretty soon. we should be getting a couple of goats this week too. and maybe in a couple of more weeks we will get a calf also then we wil have quite the little farm yard. it is hard to blog when there isn't much going on right now but maybe something exciting will happen soon but who knows. love ya
Monday, May 21, 2007
OH MY.............
you can fill in the blank with whatever you please. here is why i scream this. we bought an external hard drive today to keep all of my pictures and scraping supplies on and phill was moving them and he accidentally deleted all of them. not the pictures just the supplies and all ofthe pages that i have already made. most of the pages are all on line so that isn't too bad and most of the supplies were freebies that i can still get some of but there were a few that i actually purchased that now i have totally lost until I can buy them again. I'm just sick over it. he feels really bad about it so i'm not that mad at him but OH MY ......... i just can't belive that they are all gone.
Sunday, May 20, 2007

here are some of the pictures that we took the other day or should i say that phill took. i'm loving the warm weather. it almost makes me forget about the snow, almost. i know that it is going to come again, but for now we will enjoy the sun and warm. my fav picture is the one of joe on the bar. he goes running down the trail ahead and says i want to take a funny picture so we say okay thinking he is just going to make a silly face or something of that nature. then he climbs up on the bars and makes a face like he is in pain but we all started to laugh and he is trying very hard to keep that painful face. it was really funny. hope you enjoy the pictures. love ya. and thanks for the long distance hug. i need those more often. some in person would be nice.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Is this better?
okay mom says that the last blog doesn't really count. so I'll try to do a bit more. we have been doing a lot of fishing lately. Kayla and Joe both caught their first fishes and so now they are hooked. we don't keep any of them and they are really too little and they are pike which i think are gross looking so they must be gross to eat too right. anyway we have seen a beaver in the river the last two nights that we have gone fishing. it swims right in the area that we are in. the dog really wants to play with it but it goes under the water before he can get close to it. it is the long weekend up here this weekend. so we are going to have a bunch of people around it should be fun. phill and i went to our first parents meeting for football tonight. we are going to get both of the boys playing next year so we figured maybe we should find out about it. i got myself on the fundraising committee which should be fun. and i decided that i need to get more involved in more organizations or something because nobody knows me they know me as phill's wife. it is time to make myself known. there is a ton of stuff going on up here but i think that most of it is depressing so i guess that that is why i don't blog to often right now but maybe i should than i can get some of it off of my mind a little bit. we are still jobless at the moment and we are living off of some savings that we have but i don't know how much longer it is going to hold out. hopefully we will get one soon. in the meantime i just get a husband who is becoming more and more depressed and doesn't want to leave the house will how in the world can you get a job if you are always home and not out looking. i understand the depression but it isn't going to help anything so snap out of it. i can say this here he never reads and then i can go back to being the good supportive wife that i am. this has become quite the ramble guess that I'll stop for now maybe I'll do more tomorrow. took some great pics the other day I'll try to post some of those tomorrow too. love you all.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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