first off i think some how magrath has been placed in oregon but no one told us. it has been raining for a whole week and it is not letting up until sometime next week. kay and jeh had a track meet on wednesday that i stood outside in the rain for and all most froze my fingers off because of the wind. they finally cancelled it but only after i had ran home and got some mitts. the only event of jeh's that i got to see was the high jump and he did really well. i think that he ended up in the top 6 which means that he gets to go to divisionals and do it. we will see. i didn't get to see any of kay's but she wasn't able to do her ones that she is good at so this next wednesday i will be able to watch. she is in to the longer distance running like the 400m and the 800m. i guess that she is like her mother we just aren't sprinters. she also does pretty good at the long jump and the triple jump. i didn't get any pictures from wednesday because of the rain so hopefully when the do this coming wednesday it will be dry and i can get pictures.

phill and i went and saw ironman last night we were going to go and see indiana jones but all the showings were sold out. that is okay though because i really liked ironman and it was nice to see robert downey jr. sober in a movie there are not to many of them where he isn't all strung out.
he actually looked healthy it was nice. i like him i think that he does will in most of the movies i've seen him in even when he is strung out maybe now he will have even better roles.
it was nice to see a movie too that wasn't full of swearing and naked women the kids can go and see this one too and enjoy it.
i would recommend it the ending kind of sucks but they have to leave it open for another one and i think that is why it was ended that way.
here are a couple of the cutest pictures that i have seen on one of the blogs that i read. it is one of there baby pigs it is a runt and the other piglets were mean to it so it decided to hang out with the kittens. so cute. this is a really cute blog. she talks about their farm life and she takes pictures. here is a link to her site, it is called
that's how we roll i seem to be drawn to blog where people take amazing pictures. i really need a good camera and to learn how to take those great pictures too. well i need to go and get people out of bed now. need to make a quick run into town for some last minute things.