Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Magragth days, reunion and camping
well phill is on vacation now and has been for a week now. last week was all about magrath days and his 20 year reunion. it was a lot of fun. all of his family was down and we got to visit and enjoy all of the company. we spent alot of time with all of his friends. it was nice to see them all again we hadn't seen some of them in at all in the last 15 years. they are all such great friends that it was like they had never been seperated they just started exactly where they left off the last time that they saw each other. they were playing a game at the dinner and phill really fell hard. he scratched up his knee really bad and so it is a little sore but it will make for a good story in the years to come. we are heading out for the week and will be back on friday. off to go camping as a family. i don't think that we have ever gone just us. we are all looking forward to it. it should be fun. i'll let you know how it all works out when we get back. hope your summer is keeping you busy. love ya
Monday, July 21, 2008
hiking picutes
here is where our hike took place. up in the rockie mountains. we were in waterton park, it is really pretty up there. can you see the snow still on the mountains. we didn't go up that high so we didn't actually see snow up close but lots of people were telling me that it isn't the norm to have the snow so low this time of year.
start of the trail. silly girls
going up
taking a little break along the trail waiting for the people in back to catch up a litte bit
time for lunch. kay found a rock in the middle of the stream to sit and enjoy here sandwich. so that she could soak her feet in the water too. not that you could keep your feet in for long because it was so cold. being that there was still snow it probably isn't surprising that is was so cold.
i think that the girls stopped at every stream on the way back down the mountain to get thier hats wet. the day got a lot warmer as it went on.

start of the trail. silly girls
going up
taking a little break along the trail waiting for the people in back to catch up a litte bit
time for lunch. kay found a rock in the middle of the stream to sit and enjoy here sandwich. so that she could soak her feet in the water too. not that you could keep your feet in for long because it was so cold. being that there was still snow it probably isn't surprising that is was so cold.
i think that the girls stopped at every stream on the way back down the mountain to get thier hats wet. the day got a lot warmer as it went on.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
girls camp part 3
last of the pictures from the first day. here we are doing archery and paintball. the archery was alot of fun. kay and i both decided that we want a bow now so that we can shoot things. kay's pic is a little blurry sorry about that. to much movement going in i counldn't stay focused on her.
here is me aiming
and now the celebration because i made my first kill with my second arrow of the day.
here is my kill. it is a bear. phill says that i would have only made it mad though. i like to think that it is a kill shot and we would have had fresh bear to eat that night. don't know what bear tastes like though. i might hate it oh well it wasn't really anyways.
here they all are paintball shooting. they were shooting at girls up on the hill they were running around it was fun.
tomorrow will be hike pictures. later on the first night was when we had our skits at camp but of course i forgot my camera so no pictures. it is to bad to because there were some really funny skits but i guess that you wouldn't be able to see them unless it was recorded anyway
Thursday, July 17, 2008
girls camp part 2
here is a picture of over the edge it is kind of pretty and green out there right now that is because of all the rain we are having this year.
here is me getting all hooked up. in my mind i am think i don't want to do this but kay was brave so i will be too. i don't want to go!!!!!! don't you love how the safety harnass has pulled up my shorts. looks really nice.
heading down thinking that this isn't so bad. i think that i can do it. kind of liking it
still liking it just a little unsure of where to put my feet so it is a little slow but fun.
at this point i am saying what in the heck did i get myself into. i want to go back up but how?
at this point my hands are seirously bunrning from the friction of the rope and i want to just stop and hang there forever because i am not having fun anymore.
past the point of fun along time ago scared spitless now knowing that i can't just let go and let someone else do the work for me. but i can see the bottom not that it is really all that encouraging with those nasty rocks at the bottom.
finally i made it to the bottom. quick wave to kay saying i made it. notice how i'm being untied by one of the other repellers. that is because i was shaking so bad that i couldn't get a hold of the rope. and i could barely stand afterwards. i'm glad that i did it but i don't think that i will do it again ever!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Girls camp part 1
here are the begining of pictures from girls camp. there are so many that i figured that i would post them little by little that way it won't take so long to up load all of them and it will give me an excuse to put something on here everyday. hopefully.

the first day was full of all kinds of different activities. these pictures are of kayla i'll get some of me tomorrow, but these are kayla doing the zip line and repelling. she was amazing!!! i didn't think that she was going to do it at first, but she really wanted to do it. she kept telling me all day to make her do it even if she started to cry. she started to tear up when she first got hooked up but then all of a sudden she smiled and said i'm okay. during testimony meeting at the end she said that she suddenly remembered the little spiritual message at the begining and she was fine. the message talked about relying onto to savior and how he is our safety line just like the men at the top were our safety line. she said that she knew that the lord was watching her and that he would help the men make sure that she stayed safe. she is amazing to me. love you!!!
the first day was full of all kinds of different activities. these pictures are of kayla i'll get some of me tomorrow, but these are kayla doing the zip line and repelling. she was amazing!!! i didn't think that she was going to do it at first, but she really wanted to do it. she kept telling me all day to make her do it even if she started to cry. she started to tear up when she first got hooked up but then all of a sudden she smiled and said i'm okay. during testimony meeting at the end she said that she suddenly remembered the little spiritual message at the begining and she was fine. the message talked about relying onto to savior and how he is our safety line just like the men at the top were our safety line. she said that she knew that the lord was watching her and that he would help the men make sure that she stayed safe. she is amazing to me. love you!!!
this picture is her getting straped in to the safety harnass
this is one of the other young women on the zip line it was a ton of fun, but we were hoping that we would be flying across the coulee.
here is kay going forward on the zip line
and here she is going backward there weren't to many brave enough to go that way because the seat really swings at the end and you almost fall off.
this is one of the other young women on the zip line it was a ton of fun, but we were hoping that we would be flying across the coulee.
here is kay going forward on the zip line
here she is starting her climb down the cliff and getting over the ledge that makes it so that you have to then free fall. that was her favorite thing to do.

here she is in her free fall once she got over the ledge she just let go of the rope and went down really fast. please notice the scary rocks at the bottom. freaked me out, but more on my story and repelling tomorrow.
here she is in her free fall once she got over the ledge she just let go of the rope and went down really fast. please notice the scary rocks at the bottom. freaked me out, but more on my story and repelling tomorrow.
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