the first day was full of all kinds of different activities. these pictures are of kayla i'll get some of me tomorrow, but these are kayla doing the zip line and repelling. she was amazing!!! i didn't think that she was going to do it at first, but she really wanted to do it. she kept telling me all day to make her do it even if she started to cry. she started to tear up when she first got hooked up but then all of a sudden she smiled and said i'm okay. during testimony meeting at the end she said that she suddenly remembered the little spiritual message at the begining and she was fine. the message talked about relying onto to savior and how he is our safety line just like the men at the top were our safety line. she said that she knew that the lord was watching her and that he would help the men make sure that she stayed safe. she is amazing to me. love you!!!
this picture is her getting straped in to the safety harnass
this is one of the other young women on the zip line it was a ton of fun, but we were hoping that we would be flying across the coulee.
here is kay going forward on the zip line
and here she is going backward there weren't to many brave enough to go that way because the seat really swings at the end and you almost fall off.
this is one of the other young women on the zip line it was a ton of fun, but we were hoping that we would be flying across the coulee.
here is kay going forward on the zip line
here she is starting her climb down the cliff and getting over the ledge that makes it so that you have to then free fall. that was her favorite thing to do.

here she is in her free fall once she got over the ledge she just let go of the rope and went down really fast. please notice the scary rocks at the bottom. freaked me out, but more on my story and repelling tomorrow.
here she is in her free fall once she got over the ledge she just let go of the rope and went down really fast. please notice the scary rocks at the bottom. freaked me out, but more on my story and repelling tomorrow.
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