Tuesday, October 28, 2008
music that is making me happy!!!
Let It GoWritten
by: Debra Arlyn
The change in the weather
Is affecting me deeper, this yearI
t's another reminder that time is passing by
Am I doing the right things?
Pursuing the right dreams?
I'll go for a drive
As I take in the scenery, look up at changing leaves
It's then I decide
Chorus:Let it go, out the window
Just let it flow, out of my mind
Because I'll never know, exactly what's in store
So the best thing for sure is
Let it go
There's a price that you pay
For deciding not to take the common way
I've always liked being different, but this is the difference
I never liked to fail
But they're people I meet who are so much like me
They end up just fine
So I fill up my chest with another deep breath
And close my eyes
Bridge:The hardest thing for me to take is,
When things don't move at my pace
And the uncertainty of just where I'll be
A couple of years from today
But I'm tired of the racing in my mind
So I'll leave it all behind
Thursday, October 16, 2008
checking in again
i have been so busy lately. i haven't quite figured out how i got myself so busy this year. but i seem to have some meeting or something going on everyday. i'm trying to get costumes together. kay is going to be a fraggle, red fraggle that is. it should be a fairly simple costume to get together. i don't know what hy is going to do he had said something about being archie from the comic book so that one should be really easy too. jeh is the one that is going to be harded to do he wants to be data from star trek. i don't know why he chose him but that is what he is doing so now i need to make the costume.
i haven't started on my week in a life album yet because this week is just too busy i'm hoping for next week. i was planing to do it digital but phill is home this week and he is on the computer that maybe the real reason no i'm just really busy.
need to take hy to the doctor today he is having some kind of a crazy rash all over his body so we need to figure out what could be the cause of that. i started a new quilt. and i love the colors. maybe i will be pictures of it and post them tomorrow. i have started a chirstmas project that i really need to get finished and maybe i'll try to get the halloween decorations out today and get them up. then i can start thinking more of christmas decorating.
well that is about all for now.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
friday pictures
8:00-phill and kids to school and work have a breakfast of champions, cold pizza
2:00- go to pick up jeh from practice and realize that he isn't done for a half hour
Friday, October 10, 2008
thursday pictures and schedule
7:30-hy to seminary he is late this morning which is not good he is the president.
7:35- back home iron a shirt for phill, sew a few of jeh's badges on he has scouts today, wake up jeh and kay

1:30- go to bed too late again.
wednesday pictures and schedule
6:30- wake up remember that i forgot to hang up phill's shirt the night before so put it in front of the fan works great
7:00- hy and kay to school and seminary, home and iron shirt, start making bread.
8:00- phill and jeh off for the day, upload pictures update blog.
10:00- bake bread
11:30- take luches to kids and a loaf of bread to phill's parents end up staying and talking all afternoon.
3:30- jeh has football pictures quickly run his equipment to him
4:00- back home and do some dishes with kay's help

7:00- young men/young women combined activity we played fugitive. super fun game
here i am all dresses up so that i could hide outside in the dark better.
kay playing on the tire swing after the game.
9:00- home for the night watch tv (bones & biggest loser) and cross stich while phill plays on computer
11:00- asleep on the couch again
12:30- up to bed
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
tuesday pictures
5:30- start dinner (pork chops, rice a roni, and mixed veggies)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
let's try this again
to start i took a picture of my calendar for the month you can see that we are really busy around here and i think that things get added everyday.
10:00- relax time in the tub and read a new book(shadow thieves)
11:15- clean, dressed and ready to do something how about walk the dogs.
12:00pm- home from walk have lunch (vanilla/blueberry tango yogurt) check email
12:30- pick up house and do dishes (with my dishwasher)
forgot to take pictures of the rest of my day but here is how it went.
1:00-3:30- played dr. mario on the wii, tested my wii fitness age (38)
3:30- store for milk and eggs see jeh on the way and have to deal with a problem at football practice.
4:30- start dinner
6:30- finally eat dinner and then make cookies with jeh
7:00pm- watch heros and chuck on tv
9:00- all the kids are in bed, watch some more tv (nothing good) do some cross stich while phill plays WOW on the computer.
1:00am- go to bed and complain that it is way too late and i'm going to bed earlier tomorrow.