6:30-wake up
7:30-hy to seminary he is late this morning which is not good he is the president.
7:35- back home iron a shirt for phill, sew a few of jeh's badges on he has scouts today, wake up jeh and kay

8:00- everyone gone for the day take the dogs out notice all the frost on the ground first frost this year but is wasn't a bad frost

8:30- bath and start feeling yucky

9:30- out of tub and decided to go back to bed. stayed there until about 3:00 that afternoon. while there i watch catch and release, private pactice, did some reading and slept alot. felt alot better when i got up.

4:30- realize i did no dished or anything today and dedide to order pizza for dinner and leave dishes for tomorrow.

6:00 watch survivor, then the office, then earl, then grey's antomy while watching tv i decide to start a christmas wall hanging.
7:30- phill finally makes it home from work.

1:00am- both phill and i do our wii fit age
1:30- go to bed too late again.
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