to start i took a picture of my calendar for the month you can see that we are really busy around here and i think that things get added everyday.
7:00an- wake up everyone else in the house.
7:20- get hy to seminary. way too early
8:00am- phill, kay and jeh off to school and work now i get the computer have some raisin bread toast for breakfast.
10:00- relax time in the tub and read a new book(shadow thieves)
11:15- clean, dressed and ready to do something how about walk the dogs.
12:00pm- home from walk have lunch (vanilla/blueberry tango yogurt) check email
12:30- pick up house and do dishes (with my dishwasher)
forgot to take pictures of the rest of my day but here is how it went.
1:00-3:30- played dr. mario on the wii, tested my wii fitness age (38)
3:30- store for milk and eggs see jeh on the way and have to deal with a problem at football practice.
4:30- start dinner
6:30- finally eat dinner and then make cookies with jeh
7:00pm- watch heros and chuck on tv
9:00- all the kids are in bed, watch some more tv (nothing good) do some cross stich while phill plays WOW on the computer.
1:00am- go to bed and complain that it is way too late and i'm going to bed earlier tomorrow.
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