Friday, January 2, 2009

picture issues

okay so i had issues with the camera yesterday that is why no picture was put up im hoping to work on that today. we really need a new camera but niether phill or i want to get just a simply one so we need to save our money to make the purchase. the one we really really want is a canon rebel eso(?). so that we can learn how to use the different lens and i would really like to take a photography class at the college. i have lots of different things on blogs and the internet that have been really useful with taking pictures, but again it is the camera. im sure that if i could find the manual for our current camera that maybe i could learn how to change up the settings and do all the different things that i read about but finding that manual in my house may be like finding a needle.
we got kay a camera for christmas this year she is so excited about it. she is taking pictures all of the time. she is always getting the candid shots of people. she is really wanting to get into scrapbooking more now that she has all of these pictures. i think that now we may need to get a good printer so that we can print out all of the pictures. maybe if we ever get that new camera we will get a nice photo printer too.
hy got a flip camera from us this year. that one is more annoying because he is always recording us with it. so watch out you may see us on youtube. working on the camera today so that i can post my pictures later

1 comment:

Tim and Lisa said...

So glad to get to know your family! Good luck!